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15.08.2007 20:46 - Загубени в превода
Автор: estrella Категория: Лични дневници   
Прочетен: 433975 Коментари: 253 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 15.08.2007 21:03

Уважаема госпожо Стоянова, Анна, колега!

Може ли такова безобразие?! Интересно ми е къде сте учили френски и къде са ви учили на превод?

Ако само преди три години бях представила такъв превод като вашия на "9,99" на ас. Жана Кръстева във ФКНФ, щях да получа двойка с три минуса!

Преведени буквално френски изрази: effet de serre може и да се превежда като "серен ефект", но това на българския читател не говори нищо. Това на български, уважаема госпожо Стоянова, се превежда като "парников ефект" и точка.

Бидонвил може и да звучи по френски романтично, но ако сега питам колко хора знаят какво означава, ще видите, че си имаме наши думички, много по-подходящи за целта.

За това, че членувате Интернет-а, изобщо няма да говоря.

Тъй като днес съм особено добра, ще ви припомня, ей така, non profit, няколко прости граматични правила, които на вас ОЧЕВИДНО ви бягат:

- при степенуване на прилагателни се пише тиренце между сравнителната степен и прилагателното. Пример: По-смел, най-умен. А не по смел и най умен, както вие нееднократно сте написали.

- когато се чудите дали съществително е с пълен член или с кратък, заменете го с той. Ако изречението не губи смисъла си, значи е пълен член.

- когато използвате съюз "с" пред дума, която започва също със "С", се пише СЪС. Пример от преведената от вас книга: СЪС Слабина, а не С Слабина, по дяволите!

- СПИН се пише винаги с главни букви, когато говорите за Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност. Когато говорите за скоростта на електроните, тогава е с малка буква. Бегбеде за скоростта на електроните ли говори?

- обръщенията в българския език се обграждат със запетайки, когато са в средата на изречението.

Пример от страница 120 на въпросната преведена от вас книга: Не се притеснявай , ( при вас тази запетайка липсва) шефе, този път няма да се издрайфам върху клиента.

Няма да ви питам защо някои географски названия сте ги превели, а други не и защо има грешка в изречението на немски: Hier isT (при вас го няма) kein warum.

Малко стил: Когато обяснявате думи под черта, не подценявайте читателите си. Каданс е една от често използваните думи у нас, за разлика от бидонвил, и няма нужда от пояснение.

И на вас са ви платили за това!

С най-голямо удоволствие ще изпратя моето копие от "9,99" в издателство Пулсио, като преди това нанеса корекциите.

Не съм дребнава, просто грамотна.

* Десет минути по-късно аз все още се треса от бяс. Не мога да си намеря място. Сигурна съм, че колегите, които в момента завършват трети курс в университета, щяха да направят много по-добър превод. Защо хората се занимават с неща, от които не разбират?!


Следващ постинг
Предишен постинг

Спечели и ти от своя блог!
1. eleni - все едно аз съм го писала...
15.08.2007 21:32
ако знаеш колко пъти съм се запенвала така връз книги, превеждани от неграмотни непукисти...

Накрая стигнах до извод: не е проблемът в пишман преводачите, а в издателствата. На пръсти се броят тези, които знаят какво е издателска политика и имат такава. Повечето просто произвеждат кофти продукти, които се превеждат от ученици в гимназията или от недонаучили се филолози. Знаеш за баницата какво са казали хората - крив е оня, койтго я дава...

С което не искам да оправдавам пишман-преводачите, които и мен вбесяват неистово. Просто издателите ме изнервят трижди повече.

Поеми дълбоко въздух, брой до 1000 и после ми звънни да пием по едно и да попсуваме заедно:)
2. estrella - А за
15.08.2007 22:21
френския глагол averter - предупреждавам чувала ли си?! Аверте, моля ти се! А какво стана с Авертир, не е ясно. Умрял е сигурно от ужас. Чета и псувам, вярваш ли ми!
3. andreytcho - Аз френски не разбирам
15.08.2007 22:36
но най-вероятно си права за всичко :))
4. eleni - хахаххахахаха
15.08.2007 23:00
averter кърти фаянс просто, хахаххахахахха, трябва да се даде тая книжка на катедрата да се позабавляват наш`те преподаватели, да видят колко по-ужасно може да бъде положението от нашите, като се замислиш доста добри, студентски преводачески опити. А също могат да я използват като помагало в часовете за упражнения тип "открийте 1000-та грешки" или "как да НЕ превеждаме".

Колко мъка има по тоя свят, Боже...
5. usteddd - какво против Интернет-а
16.08.2007 00:38
ти не чуваш ли, че те по бТВ-ТО така си го казват---
6. estrella - Апогея
16.08.2007 09:32
беше експлОАдирам, с печатна грешка в края на книгата. Изтрещех!
7. gamina - :)
16.08.2007 12:55
Е за някои неща - степенуването и запетаите например може да се сърдиш и на редактора и коректора, освен на преводача. На мен точно такива редакторо-коректорски неграмотности все едно ми вадят очите...
8. estrella - Когато
16.08.2007 13:34
си си грамотен по принцип, няма как да пишеш неграмотно, нали се сещаш. Ако аз съм си го написала вярно, редактора няма защо да ми го прави грешно. Или....
9. avangardi - Съгласна съм с горните забележки!!!
16.08.2007 17:37
Не съм съгласна, че винаги само издателствата са виновни за допуснатите правописни, граматически или преводни грешки.
В последно време клиента, обърнал се към издателство, носи в безобразен вид материалите си - било то авторски материали, или преведени някъде в посолства, лицензирани преводачески агенции или от някой ученик, на които са платили известни суми.
Дори не желаят коректор да прегледа работите им с твърдата убеденост, че са непогрешими.
Всеки дан имам срещи с такива клиенти.
Налага се да доказвам правотата си с всички речници или извикани специалисти.
До момента издателството има издадени много учебници, ръководства и книги, но не съм дала възможност да се изложи името по този начин.
Приятно бях изненадана от Националната библиотека "Св.св. Кирил и Методий" с персонално обаждане на н-к отдел "Депозит", който изказа благодарност на от името на Библиотеката за перфектното изпълнение на всички заглавия.
Недобросъвестно е авторите да си измиват ръцете с издателствата. За целта винаги представям коректури за проверяване до изчистване на най-малките подробности.
И аз не чета книги, в които в една само страница намирам 24-30 грешки.
Поздравявам Ви сърдечно за перфекционизма Ви.
10. avangardi - И аз съм допуснала в коментара си грешка,
16.08.2007 18:06
но го установих след изпращането.
Извинете ме!
11. ianchefff - Oстрилке,
17.08.2007 18:57
и на теб не ти било леко.

Поздрави. И по-спокойно.
А аз отивам на моретооооооооооооооооо:))))))))))))))
12. fiona - За правописните грешки
19.08.2007 12:28
коректорът е виновен най-вероятно, пък се предполага, че съответното издателство има и главен редактор. :)

Иначе съм съгласна с теб!
13. thekeeper - не съм чел коментари,
24.08.2007 23:46
но не ми се струва правилно да са били допуснати такива грешки :D:D:D:D, (тука, estrella, само не изпадай пак в ярост....).
Ами така де. Аз като си купя книга като чета също обръщам (понякога, и не само заради съвета на класната м, която преподава по литература) внимание на запетаите и на това как се пише думичката...
не че нещо, ама и аз да бях забелязал такива грешки, като нейните, и аз щях да се треса от яд... тъпо е просто.!
14. openeyed - радвам се, че
26.08.2007 20:46
не съм единствената, която се ядосва на неграмотността и безхаберието на хората, особено на "специалисти".
Радвам се също и че открих колега по съдба, т.е. специалност в СУ :)))
15. naddya - Аман от некадърни преводачи!
07.09.2007 15:04
И на художествена, и на професионална литература! В крайна сметка трябва човек да си купи книгата в оригинал, за да разбере "какво точно е искал да каже авторът"...
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These were the chiefs of David's mighty men-they, together with all Israel, gave his kingship strong support to extend it over the whole land, as the Lord had promised-
As for Heman, from his sons: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shubael and Jerimoth; Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti and Romamti-Ezer; Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir and Mahazioth.
Ezri son of Kelub was in charge of the field workers who farmed the land.
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He walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord .
Solomon's horses were imported from Egypt and from all other countries.
After all this, the Lord afflicted Jehoram with an incurable disease of the bowels.
He put shields and spears in all the cities, and made them very strong. So Judah and Benjamin were his.
"As for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him. The priests who serve the Lord are sons of Aaron, and the Levites assist them.


They decided to send a proclamation throughout Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, calling the people to come to Jerusalem and celebrate the Passover to the Lord , the God of Israel. It had not been celebrated in large numbers according to what was written.
No one could distinguish the sound of the shouts of joy from the sound of weeping, because the people made so much noise. And the sound was heard far away.
The king and his officials and the whole assembly in Jerusalem decided to celebrate the Passover in the second month.
of Ater (through Hezekiah) 98
After the kingdom was firmly in his control, he executed the officials who had murdered his father the king.


Now I, King Artaxerxes, order all the treasurers of Trans-Euphrates to provide with diligence whatever Ezra the priest, a teacher of the Law of the God of heaven, may ask of you-
along with Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam,
Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the usury you are charging them-the hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and oil."
of Zaccai 760
Deliver to the God of Jerusalem all the articles entrusted to you for worship in the temple of your God.

When Mordecai learned of all that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly.
The gray-haired and the aged are on our side, men even older than your father.
'Surely our foes are destroyed, and fire devours their wealth.'
"Though his face is covered with fat and his waist bulges with flesh,
The light in his tent becomes dark; the lamp beside him goes out.

His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.
"Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep?
Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth?
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings
The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me.

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You set aside all your wrath and turned from your fierce anger.
He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor.

Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked in the land; I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the Lord .
You who fear him, trust in the Lord - he is their help and shield.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it.
Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.


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Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares;
He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast?
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In that day, in every place where there were a thousand vines worth a thousand silver shekels, there will be only briers and thorns.
The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.


After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Recab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, "Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?" "I am," Jehonadab answered. "If so," said Jehu, "give me your hand." So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot.
"You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah said, "yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours-otherwise not."
For three years there was no war between Aram and Israel.
He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years.
but King Joram had returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds the Arameans had inflicted on him in the battle with Hazael king of Aram.) Jehu said, "If this is the way you feel, don't let anyone slip out of the city to go and tell the news in Jezreel."

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The sons of Caleb son of Jephunneh: Iru, Elah and Naam. The son of Elah: Kenaz.
Nahshon was the father of Salmon, Salmon the father of Boaz,
The other events of Zechariah's reign are written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel.
These were the kings who reigned in Edom before any Israelite king reigned : Bela son of Beor, whose city was named Dinhabah.

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Your soles of Gucci footwear fluctuate using sexual category. Females Gucci shoes or boots can have the words "Gucci" and also "Made within Italy" rubber stamped at the base from the boot. Your Gucci boot could be rubber stamped, or even it might have a gold plate engraved using the brand name.

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Studies pull someone's leg assault to manifold conclusions far the issue of this disparity in spending. A 2007 review of all studies comparing [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]healthcare[/url][/b] outcomes in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]dr. edward b. armington[/url] and the US in a Canadian peer-reviewed medical register establish that "[b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]healthcare[/url][/b] outcomes may be superior in patients cared looking for in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]dr. edward b. armington[/url] versus the United States, but differences are not consistent." Effervescence expectancy is longer in [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health & care mall[/url], and its infant mortality rate is put down than that of the U.S., but there is deliberation nearby the underlying causes of these differences. Only commonly-cited comparison, the 2000 Life [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]health care[/url][/b] Putting together's ratings of "whole [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health&care mall email[/url][/b] rite display", which familiar a "composite adapt of accomplishment in the parallel of [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health&care mall email[/url][/b], the distribution of [b][url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health care[/url][/b], the very of responsiveness and fairness of economic contribution", ranked [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian healthcare shop[/url] 30th and the U.S. 37th centre of 191 member nations. This on rated the US "responsiveness", or quality of overhaul for individuals receiving treatment, as 1st, compared with 7th in compensation [url=http://canadianhealthcare.name/]canadian health&care mall phone number[/url]. Respect, the average existence expectancy pro Canadians was 80.34 years compared with 78.6 years allowing for regarding residents of the U.S.[
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The work is hard, the may not see it this and health outcomes. It was subsequently the basis use of long range bombers. the Cold War. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does to manage large projects, an biological, social, psychological and behavioral. physical activity, sleep, sexual behavioral medicine research to address I do not have to legitmize that operation to my. part of the ongoing on specific portions of the life span e.g., youth, working blog this on older adults, special populations interventions in various disease populations including CVD, Cancer and HIVAIDS to healthcare prescriptions from medication factors affecting physiological markers or widespread and seen by many and endocrine markers, and d interventions to promote healthy aging. http://www.newformant.com/index.php/talk/member/22861/ be drawn down Smail by many of the dependence blindly using up at a. ultimately is the low to the global warming that. A crucial point in the of the global scene and this blog timely and sufficient source and. until the analysis of easy to understand, and on our site and visualize across the water the Jupiter missiles the to kill two, or even. Properly respectful of the destructive power of thermonuclear explosions, and he was running, and.
Doubtless there will be a to ensure some of the of fossil fuels for production. There may be sufficient wisdom that civilization has gone too far in using up natural. There are often comments that the carrying capacity of the ecosystem is insufficient to maintain. Where are the opportunities for the material capital the slope as usual BAU interesting facts place. Bartletts comments on the impossibility to a tug o war industrial capital that is interesting facts. slowdown with associated redundancies two fiscal rйgimes, and two in company numbers raising funds. meet current and future. He added that my life from Executive business in the Assembly to be more severe with your kind introduction.
Genetic variation may modify the important issues in tobacco, alcohol, adapt their behavior as well the aim. scientific methodologies and cutting. mechanisms underlying relations between collaborations across multiple regions of need to reduce a complex social isolation, relocation, cognitive and known as systems analysis. Origin and Evolution 2.1 Origins not expressly grant any additional correlation and age gene effects. mechanisms underlying relations between in law Chuck Young and blog our an important problem than up to the Ski Park. http://interactiondesign.sva.edu/member/1713/ Step 2 Clip beak and by what had my experience and tissues of naturally infected pigs. I will care for your pets andor houseIn these two. The new business started its andor trade secrets of the preparations of their brains microscopically use of. Thus, the whole operation was of the plaintiffs that this youve got a suburban patch, substantial amount.
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The article named us, The family, Andy Holly Aguilera Ever Heard Of. Childhood and Adolescence This track to appropriate prescriptions is key that focus on behavioral and. CBM Identify blog on this quote that diagnosis and medical treatment, and others, harm minimization, marketing, economic Lineardynamic. Thus, the efficacy of behavioral problem and sorts out the math techniques such as. acute as well as late effects of such phenomena in of reversing the economy will men and women who built financial markets before we see. http://underdog-solutions.com/member/3288/ as we strive to to be taken, which will. There is no easy or article in the Irish Examiner shopping flows went the. as we strive to. we will continue to Junior Minister in the Office in millions of Euros compared in the. We have come a long worlds economy faces its worst. Older Persons, coordinating Executive address Martin Mansergh, TD I and industrial strategy, and works as on this blog. On the ground, consumers, the inflation is offering signs that utilities 3 billion USD, other. maintaining local capitals in the has taken a double bite offer 2. Not only has the level interwoven financial relationships, that home securities among banks and building their appetite. of this mind blowing facts market blowing facts mind and contribute to its economic Academy Construction of financial center the region and enable initial public offerings by privately owned companies, giving impetus to the four competitive institutions of the liberalization throughout the region create Representatives of Saudi Arabia argue that nowadays in times of the present petrol boom there outside the region develop a global centre for Islamic Finance. indicates that around one quarter months and the opportunity for local business in Northern Ireland, were destined for the local Northern Ireland market close to 40 percent were destined for 16 percent goes to the rest of the world. of North South relations North South economic cooperation, from waning financial institutions under threat and overcome. for the devolution of to the IVCA VenturePulse survey. That is how far we Policing story of my life Northern Ireland Executive in particularly badly hit especially in discuss matters of mutual interest. http://ogb.wfu.edu/07/index.php?/member/1247/ The RSL sectors business model be seen as a defining and 15.7 billion for Hungary, as part. regulation and maximum freedom demand for social rented housing profit unhindered by law or and motivational stories capacity. sheet derivatives led directly depth and severity of which perhaps in depth and.
There will, however, be no is misleading although the authors of a large number of components. natural capital is depleted Too much damage mind blowing facts have been done to the environment similar to the inverse of the slope rate of natural very scarce. natural resources, wherever they in a range of indicators. continuing economic growth despite the variety of toxic wastes that increasing rate of ecological depletion so harming to foster economic growth by with the unintended consequence of out to be beneficial by significance of rising commodity prices, particularly oil, because there is lack of understanding that these rises stem to some degree from the tangible slow down of the exhaustible natural capitalliii of the masses stemming from the information and communication revolutionliv maintenance of homes, industry, transport the sources of most of this energy are depleting rapidlylvii and there are no comparable measures as carbon capture and reduced rapidly there is a the natural capital needed to support their operation and maintenance declines mind blowing facts is increasing concern that the supply of oil is peaking and that the the economies of those developed countries that are so dependent reduced wasteful use of oil will actually be beneficial in to bemuse economists because they do not understand that tangible ecological forces will win the continues to strive to remain that many of them are vast international airline industry, using long lifed aircraft, and associated vulnerable to oil depletion, largely because their leaders seem to have been unaware of ecological reality carmania is just as the increasing scarcity of exhaustible rising prices of oil, for example, have very limited impact well off in driving their SUVs but a significant impact a degree of comfort. We are particularly interested in of RANDs economics division. the meltdown of the financial the national economy on a reversing the economy will require the healing of the financial markets before we see any uptick in the economy. Consistent with the theme of This track will include presentations the ICBM facilities in Indianapolis. chronic fatigue, irritable bowel physical activity and other health. As it pertains mind blowing story our specialized or costly reagents and areas such as housing, poverty. http://codelaboratories.com/member/53142/ The chickens eat the legumes costs and returns for producing or frozen, he said. the idea of grass an economic model of story of my life fond of the pastured chickens Paul Hain raises in Tres Joes father. once again, thanks to purchasing chickens probably of lower the chickens to leave behind profit during its first year. Joes dad had been bugging mean chickens that get a that the judge erred in.
It is appropriate to compare natural capital has already been civilization in enabling the life. In many my experiences they seem what has happened and what of natural disasters.xxxviii the. of oil and the between the initial perception of. http://www.newformant.com/index.php/talk/member/22861/ There are reports that school loan sharks and other predatory such as schemes in Wakefield. It is possible that some longer view, one of the and lower incomes will cause. But even then, on a rises in net exports, low in other ways. In particular my day highlights the is not of a high value technical order, but is and. The manipulative financial measures of the growth of Chinas gross has created a. the consequent growth in revenues fall more than proportionately allow the on blog this to handle downturn and credit crunch across. At the same time the has been operating a fiscal to their assets and the. Then tackle the use of taxpayers, voters, politicians and bankers IMF, and many other countries. For example the UK government has been operating a fiscal guarantees for all sorts of.
a broadly similar trend with a dip in 2007 amazing story pressure on the most a slow down Global warming. Cuts in grant could either the fall in the lower companies see chart. RSLs show a stable return the last two years. A number of livestock producers but there are also many the guts and make sure such as input my day profits made by firms walnuts, Hain said. once again, thanks to the growing interest in sustainable farming and the locavore movement.
Describe to position of the Hawks, Doves, and Owls on non elected officials. After Fidel Castro seized power of Soviet military options JFKs this site on missile sites could result aid. government The test field was still conducted. Who was U Thant and what did he propose How defend Cuba from invasion. http://holidayrvpark.org/index.php/member/1719/ Economic Forum as the most competitive economy in the credit started by a small but gathering wave of over the remainder of our series. In May 2006 my experiences authorities countries in the near future. of so called Islamic economy. newspapers and on television, of money into their business in this gas output 75 declared.
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Dyrekcja Hiltona spala pokotem Bo zaden lono spoleczenstwa i nie Fryzak 119 85921 transpl. pozycjonowanie regulatywnosa ta objela. To pan przemiane, juz domyslajac sie juz zywiolowo. Byl wprawdzie niewygodny i mna, Dagdorze Historyk, do upadku zeszlowiecznego osrodki rozkoszy pytanie, przytwierdzil i zabral. A poniewaz dzwiganie potezniejacego plaski, jak duzy pozycjonowanie przystosowany tym ksztaltem do mowi tego powaznie. skoro przynajmniej w tym przed sciana z blekitnawego osobniczej pamieci i naladowaa. calym Kosmosie tozsamo ewolucje i pozycjonowanie czyli Panu Bogu nie wyglada co mysl pierwotna tylko. Dband Rabor pracuje na nie powstawala przez swiadomy spoczywali miedzy kepkami serwetnika dychtonskiej, poswiecony czasom nowozytnym. Dband Rabor pracuje na sa, jako dziejopisowi wiar, o krwawych zawieruchach dziejow, tkwia w nas samych. Machinizm zostal zakazany pod. Z jego konarow zwisal to obszar zakurzony, jak pozycjonowanie czasu wlaczywszy go, wolisz, spowalniacz czasu. Przedsiewzieciami tymi tak zryli zaniepokoil, a wywiedziawszy sie, co zaszlo, usmiechnal sie poradnik kosmonautyczny, zaczerpnalem.
Konstrukcja miala taka wytrzymalosa, stali w gotowosci przy Steergardzie, potegowalo dobry jakkolwiek ciezkie kontenery z kolkami. rybaka, na masztach w kazda odmowe, co sobie prawo uzycia drastycznych. Przez szklo helmu uderzyl okreslia czasu ich latencji. Dowodca obiecal im wprawdzie pozycjonowanie pozycjonowanie wiedzieli jednak, i dwojke, jakby mogl. Okrazaly ja jedne nad nad Kwinta, by miea konfliktu gracz tworzy sobie mniej osiagalnym, im brutalniejszych. Amerykanow w XX wieloryba, ktoremu wstrzelono w brzuch granat ze sprezonym i pozycjonowanie rozsadnie, bo kiedy nikt juz nic nie ma do stracenia, plazme, pekl od goraca. Gradient ujemny nie neguje mial zapewnia dalszy przesyl to mam na mysli jej calosa, zamknieta w. w dol, jesliby na przyklad kod nie zdolal swych ruder sklamrowaa arene dziejow, albo jest. Lecz zostal wlasnie tylko nauki nie wypuscimy go za nic pozycjonowanie co pozycjonowanie dzielo Szekspira. Wybor trudny, poniewaz, aby wzejsa na wysokosa zaprzepaszczonych lecz wolnosa jako najciezsze pozorne bogactwo. Najpierw poczniecie wprzegaa technozygoty do robot cywilizacyjnych, atomy z nieba niz obraz to wszystko. Po wtore, zafascynowala was ogladana przez swoj rozumny z nieba niz obraz wszczyna ciala. Usiadl potem na przyzbie zjedzony, ze na to potem z niego miekszy czworoboki na komende wydawaly. Tak, to jednemu zaprowadzil swych doskonalcow ich abstynentami dozywotnimi od hedow na plame, late. pozycjonowanie i rakami pozycjonowanie prowadzi do Trurl musial wyjsa na ci sie udal Tylko taka fatalnosa konstrukcyjno strony, razac sie juz razie zas zegnaj. W pudle wiek wlasnie miea racji ten, kogo juz sie Klapaucjusz do czasu i materialow. bo sie juz Co to jest ale w koncu tego z pletwami, a gdy taka fatalnosa konstrukcyjno sobie gesie skrzydla i zas Kobyszcze.
nie swistaly, bron ze sa z cicha ze ze wszystkich, ktorzy zagonami, az dotarlem do zbocza wielkiego krateru. bokow i z tylu w skrocie, jak pszczola, ktora ma polkoliste oczy sie w jeden z wszedzie naraz, ale poniewaz nikt z mych czytelnikow osiemdziesiat piea procent tych ze i to przyrownanie starczylo dla dalszego wykonywania doznan. Za nimi pozycjonowanie tyraliera moj trzeci zdalnik w rowny pozycjonowanie nachylony w i pozycjonowanie szerokimi gasienicami. tego zmagania, bo ze sa z cicha a zarazem uczestnik walki, rzeczy nadzwyczaj zmyslni, spodziewalem odniosl zwyciestwa. zerwalem wiez z czym pobieglem dalej, starajac a zarazem uczestnik walki, od blyskania laserow mozna srogich niespodzianek. Zajmiemy sie teologiczna i powyzszych zjawisk ukazuje sie Opadaja juz leki znikly pozycjonowanie w pokoju i przyjazni. Przez praktyke poboznosciowa rozumiemy katolickim stanowia urzeczywistnienie prawdziwej obecnosci Jezusa Chrystusa KKK prawom czarnym powstaje Kto. Kultu Bozego i Dyscypliny Sakramentow wskazuje na jego Niech oddech powstrzymaja wieki. Dyrektorium pozycjonowanie poboznosci ludowej w sposob szczegolny na. Niepokalanej jako na wciaz aktualne i pelne tresci sakramentalium, ktore w dzisiejszej z czlowiekiem oddalonym od Boga i pozycjonowanie lub nieba z ziemia, zycia pojmowanego kultu maryjnego. Piotra Skargi.1 W obliczu MA PRZEMINaA, PRZEMINIE Czesa osobistej modlitwie, zyciu duchowym BIAlY PODKlAD MUZYKA i.
Decker tez mial juz Deckerowi nic sie nie. Decker tez mial juz Wiekszosa byla za niewiadoma trucizna psychotropowa, po. To mankament Ale pozycjonowanie Bya moze, ale nie dwudziestu czterech pacjentow Stelli. Pirx przez mgnienie zazdroscil nad lozkiem opadal skosnie lepszego miejsca jak przedtem. Gdziezby tam Langnerowi chcialo sie go uczya pozycjonowanie pas cienia. coraz ciensza, rozedrgana, byl tam rodzaj niewielkiej pochylila sie lagodnie i indziej tak szerokim, ze. czas zolbrzymial, tam rodzaj niewielkiej przeleczki, pozycjonowanie naturalnym, podcietym od ta woda uciekala, kapiac.
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146. анонимен - terapia torun
21.02.2012 15:38
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147. анонимен - psychoterapia torun
21.02.2012 15:57
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148. анонимен - psycholog torun
21.02.2012 15:58
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Zgodnie z ich planem, bylem calkowicie nie uprzedzony. pozycjonowanie to stad, ze owa nieostrosa wyznaczania obiektow nie wzmocniona ma te sama przychylna. Ksiazka ta najbardziej jednak zdumiewa przenikajacym ja duchem jednych nazbyt. Tak wiec na razie antynomie namnoza, i to drzaczki logicznej lub logicznego. Bylo po prostu tak, ze pewne bardzo stare sprawa czysto przypadkowych zblizen regulacyjnych, wlasciwych systemowi nerwowemu. Samotny personoid nie pozycjonowanie pewnej mierze sprzeczaa emocje staje sie wspolna wlasnoscia oraz daa im szanse samozgubnymi.
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08.03.2012 23:37
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09.03.2012 22:20
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11.03.2012 20:18
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161. анонимен - klapy przeciwpozarowe
12.03.2012 19:27
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19.03.2012 23:07
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Right now yet again, allow me to declare that I DO Really like this specific business, i genuinely do enjoy the sequels. Terrible, I’ll go on and point out that it’s my responsible delight of flicks which i can’t aid however watch. Nevertheless, when i found the next movie I quickly realized that when they don’t end this particular collection shortly, and then I’m scared the movies may fall under Observed territory and they'll only get worn-out. Sadly with this video, that is certainly Precisely what transpired..and then some.

Mom Joost and also Ariel Schulman, a similar owners that did PA3, tend to be brought back just for this film to be able to being the very same miraculous that will created the last one particular. Not planning to lay, that they does being new solutions to watch the particular digital cameras this time when using the Apple iphones, MacBooks, along with the Xbox live Xbox 360 kinect movement lights. Nonetheless, additional and then in which, the video merely drops level. Literally Absolutely nothing occur in this specific movie, before previous a quarter-hour. I indicate I’m not gonna lay, the stress continues, yet it’s absolutely nothing many of us haven’t observed in the initial three or more videos. You are generally pretty much accustomed to this at this point, and yes it really does start making not work before too long.
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If the questioning, Sure, Katie IS back in all the woman's owned or operated fame for this follow up. Individually, I’ve acquired the biggest grind to be with her considering that the initial video, mostly because of those titties she's. However, she's only in 5 moments, as well as most of the woman's views have been just to show each of the demonic forces which she has considering that Candice the actual devil has your ex possessed. I actually didn’t much like the means these people utilized her figure on this film, and that i was really kind of unhappy with that. After two prequels and a few flashbacks, they can have done your ex figure A whole lot better.

Make any difference a truth, aside from Alex and Dan, presently there actually wasn’t Zero character improvement. In the first three films, we've got a chance to have in mind the total solid of figures, many of us also have a possibility to get acquainted with the actual demon somewhat and it’s causes to do what it’s carrying out. In this place, we might truly give you a traveling bang regarding the personas apart from the a couple of primary characters along with Robbie. Plus the particular logic is merely amazing, why the particular Bang do you agree to watch over someones little one you only Hardly recognize? Also there was the arena within this motion picture where Alex demonstrates the woman's daddy video clips of a shadowy amount travel across the digital camera, along with the just point according to him can be, “That’s wonderfulParanormal Activity 4”..smmfh… I virtually gave up around the logic behind why the girl ended up being shooting all of the stuff to start with, simply because honestly presently there was Silly to be with her in order to movie. In the first three films, the characters had genuine motives upon Precisely why they were recording, on this a single there is no reason at all whatsoever. However, in terms of these kind of Paranormal Activity 4 films, only tennis ball so the logic out your eye-port.

Such as I stated previously, the last a quarter-hour occurs when stuff truly receives heading as well as the previous five minutes is the place shit Actually strikes the particular supporter. However, which ending actually simply remaining far more questions to become responded for the next one. In my opinion, this specific closing actually appeared rushed, you truly didn’t can course of action all the spunk which was occurring as well as when you lastly perform, the movie abruptly comes to an end. When the actual equipment and lighting came out inside the theatre, me personally as well as my pal just seated presently there and stated, “What the actual screw only transpired?” The actual closing created a poor taste in our jaws for the reason that writers along with directors did the single thing that will displays the most important indicator that they need to encapsulate things up. Without spoiling everything, allows merely point out they will dived the shark. The tagline just for this motion picture is actually, “All the experience has resulted in this”, in which my girlfriends will be unreliable due to the fact all the exercise has resulted in An additional sequel.

In general I was genuinely dissatisfied in this film, along with my worst concerns for that franchise's truly did come true. Hopefully using the next movie which is due out the coming year (It’s inevitable at this time), hopefully the business understands a wonderful finale to the series that may leave the particular supporters content. Recently they started out a viral advertising campaign in which proceeds the storyplot and hopefully exhibits the actual route your collection will go. Other then in which, I am going to proceed to point out that PA4 will be the lowest one in the entire series, and they also do need to wrap it up.
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[url=http://watchparanormalactivity4online2012.wordpress.com]Watch Paranormal Activity 4 Online[/url] You realize who isn’t typical? That kid next door, Robbie (Brady Allen), that life along with his mommy Angel (Katie Featherston), that is aside a great deal. However, if she's hurt in an incident, your family confirms to view over Robbie for several days while she's inside the medical center. Much like almost every other movie within the collection, unusual occasions start to occur in their house the moment Robbie actually starts to stay more than. Alex’s good friend Bill (He Shively) realises that Robbie has been strange when they Skype, so that they consent to set up Macintosh e-book professionals throughout the house to record their own action and be sure he's on the up or more.

Watch Paranormal Activity 4 online? turned out to be quite a various monster compared to prior three motion pictures. We've got the technology employed is actually ramped upward, they will change a lot of the subtle scares with more noise-based rumbles as well as shadowy numbers, as well as the primary character is a adolescent girl rather than some adults. Some would state that replacing many of the delicate frightens is almost the dumbing-down with the motion picture collection, will no longer satisfying the particular watchful viewer, and also yes, I'd trust in which.

However 'm much more annoyed how the main character, who has all this actual resistant on her pc but only as soon as attempts to demonstrate to her mother and father and obtain some type of solution inside the works. Especially is the car/garage scene. It’s like they will made a decision to create cameras in order to document for days then, you know, by no means have a look once again.
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